Towards More Community Discourse

Moving our main community platform from Telegram to Discourse.

Arthur Röing Baer


When we opened up the FOAM Discourse, it was to provide a platform for our community that encourages more fruitful discussions which wont get lost easily under the chatter like what happens on telegram. After seeing our community embrace it, we are now taking the next step and moving our main community platform to Discourse.

One of the earliest posts in our discourse was a call to arms by the community members to have a community vote on which tags to be implemented to the FOAM Map. Seeing the community come together to discuss and poll in this discourse thread, spurred us on and we released several new tags to be added to the FOAM Map after careful consideration that to reduce the possibility of conflicting tags/challenges. We definitely see this as the first of many iterations that were directly influenced by community participation!

The introduction of Discourse also provided the FOAM Team and the community a platform to have an open discussion about Short-term incentives for the FOAM Map. It counteracted the frequent problem we had with telegram previously where quality discussions were lost and hard to search for later on. There’s also been some interesting discussions that were started on the Discourse such as Thinking Out-Loud — How will the Future of FOAM Play Out? and What are your FOAM Use Case Ideas?. Please join the discussions and share your own thoughts on the matter!

Prior to the creation of the Discourse, there was some growing discontent among the community members on POI challenges that occurred and the community aired that they wanted a place to better discuss/debate/defend their map challenges, this was all taken into account by the team and it lead to the creation of our “Map Challenges” Category. It gave a space for community members to openly discuss on challenges and even the grounds for disputes which definitely had some great feedback and guidelines for both the challengers and Cartographers! Seeing these fruitful discussions spawned on Discourse encourages that this is the right move to take moving forward with the community.

Additionally, with the initial proof of use period approaching, we expect the move to discourse to also minimize the risk for spam, speculative discussion and fraudulent behaviour, allowing us to fully focus on our collective goal– to build a consensus driven map of the world.

As the next step we will be turning the telegram into an announcement channel — moving all conversation to discourse, and handling support exclusively via our map guide and support email:

Our map guide contains extensive guides ranging from how to use the Map platform? to what does it all mean?, we hope that our community members take the time to read through these carefully written guides and if there are still any unanswered questions or you have a pressing issue, do not hesitate to contact us!

The telegram will be converted into an announcement channel a week from now, on Monday November 5th, giving the community enough time to get comfortable with the discourse.

Our team and a small group of community members have been using Discourse for the past month and we’re excited to welcome the rest of the community to join us!

First Time Discourse User?

Here is a quick tutorial on how to make a Discourse account and join the community!

Note: We will preserve the Telegram channel for now to ensure a smooth migration, but we will be converting that into an announcement channel channel only.

